Although taking quite a long time to achieve ACHC has finally started to get its new website up and running. Keep your eyes peeled as there is still plenty more to come.
The Australian Conservation Hunting Council Incorporated is creating a website to help lead hunting in to the future with the power of the internet. There will be several sides to the new website which is currently under construction. For the public view we hope to bring our 'Whats New' section containing industry news and information for anyone to read and get a better understanding about hunting in Australia with sections on hunting with firearms, bows and dogs as well as section on the new GLU (Game Licencing Unit) now running under the DPI (Department Of Primary Industries). We will also be providing history, blogs and as much information as we can for the average hunter.
For Members of our association we are putting together a private social page and forum were hunters can talk about what they are doing, where they are hunting, post up pictures, and find out about what is happening in the background of the hunting industry with no fear of being harassed or criticized by anti-hunting organisations.. This section will be closed to the public and nonmembers but will be open to supporters and sponsors of our association.
We will also have primary sections of the web site only available to members and will be eventually providing access to a comprehensive accredited hunters education based on the RTO TAFE training and certification primarily aimed at the Cert 3 & 4 levels of vertebrate pest management.