Australian Conservation Hunting Council
We are a "Genuine Reason"* hunting club for the firearms Registry, an "Authorised Hunting Organisation"* for the Game Licencing Unit of the DPI and are authorised to provide R-Licence Assessments and NSW Firearms Safety Awareness Courses to those wanting a firearms licence and/or a public land hunting licence.
We also provide other training for hunting, reloading, butchering, capping, tracking, navigation, bushwalking, Survival, First Aid and all facets of hunting with Rifles, Bows, Black Powder and Dogs.
See below for more details on obtaining a firearms licence or ab R-Licence.
** Genuine reason for owning a firearm.
** To own a hunting licence you must be a member of an "AHO"
Restricted licence accreditation
R-Licence Accreditation Course
About the course
The R-Licence Accreditation Course:
- takes about 30 to 45 minutes to complete
- is an open-book test
- is multiple-choice.
'Open-book' means you can look through the Hunter Education Handbook, which is supplied to you at the venue, for answers to the multiple-choice questions. It's your ability to think critically and creatively that is being tested, not your ability to memorise and recall facts.
Completing the accreditation test - Section 1: The first part of the accreditation test is mandatory. It comprises 20 multiple-choice questions which are focused on hunting law and the Hunters Code of practice.
Questions cover:
- code of practice and the law
- animal welfare
- safe hunting practices
- ethics and conservation.
Firearms (rifles and shotguns)

Firearms (blackpowder)



Section 2: The second part of the accreditation test covers the four legal hunting methods for public land. Known as 'R-Licence categories', you must attempt the questions at least one category for your licence application. There are 10 questions for each category - you may choose to complete only 10 questions for one category, or up to 40 questions for all categories.
It's important to choose your categories carefully as you may only hunt using the methods you are accredited for. For example, if you do not choose the Hunting with Dogs category, your licence will not permit you to hunt with a dog. You may add categories at a later time, however you may need to pay the Hunter LEAP Provider's R-Licence Accreditation Course fee again.
Passing the test: To pass the R-Licence Accreditation Course you must achieve a score of 100%.
For incorrect answers, you will be given two attempts to find the correct answer. Should you not achieve 100% following these attempts, you will be asked to study the Hunter Education Handbook and reattempt the accreditation test at a later date.
Hunter LEAP Provider’s R-Licence Accreditation Course fee: $70 (Please email or call to book your Accreditation Course)
Mandatory firearms pre-licence qualification course
In NSW, any person seeking to possess and use a firearm must be authorised by way of a licence or permit.
All persons wishing to obtain a firearms licence in NSW must have a genuine reason for obtaining the licence and must meet a range of legislative requirements relating to that genuine reason.
The first big step towards getting your firearms licence is to register for your mandatory pre-licence qualification course. You are required to attend a NSW Firearms Safety Awareness Course. All course participants must bring a current NSW drivers licence or your original Birth Certificate. Your training officer will ask you to complete a P650 form prior to the commencement of the training course to ensure you are eligible to undertake the course. This will consist of both theoretical and practical handling but does not include live firing. The course will take around 2 hours to complete.
On successful completion of the course you will receive a Statement of Attainment which should be acted on within 12 months.
Once you have completed the course you are able upload firearms licence application, proof of genuine reason and your Statement of Attainment, online at Service NSW: To complete an online firearms application you will need: A MyServiceNSW Account linked to the NSW Police Force. You will need to upload your, Firearms Safety Training Statement of Attainment, supporting documents for your Genuine Reason and Special Need, and a credit card for payment of the licence fee (if applicable).
Your firearms licence application will be processed after a 28 day cooling off period and when approved by the NSW Firearms Registry you will receive notification by mail to attend your nearest Service NSW office to pay for your licence and have your photo taken.
Firearms Safety Training Course Fee: $120 (Please email or call to book your Safety Training Course)